Aloe Barbadensis / Aloe Vera

  • It acts as a stimulant laxative and helps in short term relief of occasional constipation.
  • Aloe Vera in its natural form works against mild burns, dandruff, acne, seborrhea, and psoriasis.
  • Aloe Vera can fasten healing of mouth ulcers.
  • It’s antioxidant and antibacterial properties reduce the pain and heal wounds/ injuries.
  • Aloe vera herb has shown potential to fight breast cancer.

Terminalia Chebula / Harad.

  • Harad has shown anti-cancer properties.
  • It is a strong anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory.
  • Harad is beneficial in treating digestive problems by providing a clear and healthy intestine. It also contains a laxative property which is helpful in prevention of constipation.
  • Due to rejuvenating property of harad, longevity and immune system are improved and keep a person from getting any illness or disease.

Quercetin / Plant Pigment

  • It has anti-allergic effects.
  • It is a capillary blood vessel protectant
  • Quercetin as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory pigment reduces the growth of cancer cells.
  • This plant pigment controls the free radical movement, which causes aging.
  • Quercetin is a flavonoid that lowers high blood pressure.
  • Quercetin may reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s/parkinsonism
  • In its natural form, that is fruits and vegetables, quercetin has properties which keep the heart safe from the risk of cardiovascular diseases and strokes.

Curcuminoids / Turmeric

  • Helps in relieving joint inflammation
  • It has a good anti-ageing property.
  • It can be used in heart diseases, degenerative conditions, chronic inflammations
  • The antioxidant property of turmeric works finely for the neutralization of free radicals.
  • Consumption of turmeric improves the memory of people with dementia.
  • Turmeric can increase pain threshold and treat arthritis.
  • Turmeric fights against depression by increasing the BDNF level, which gets shrunk due to depressive thoughts.

Allium Sativum / Garlic

  • Garlic in its concentrated form lessens joint and muscle pain. The anti-inflammatory properties assist in arthritis treatment.
  • It has antibacterial and antioxidant properties that can kill the bacteria which cause acne.
  • Helps in relieving symptoms associated with upper respiratory tract infections (nasal congestion, excessive mucus).
  • It helps reduce elevated blood cholesterol levels.
  • It is a well-known immunity booster from Ayurveda.
  • Eating garlic improves heart health and lowers cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes.

Carica Papaya / Papaya

  • Papaya’s anti-hydroxy acid and enzymes diminish pimples, spots and blemishes.
  • Papaya contains quercetin, flavonoid, and vitamin C. Its antioxidants prevent cell damage and high blood pressure, obesity, and insulin resistance.
  • Papaya is a healthy replacement to treat cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Papaya seeds work efficiently in removing the parasites in the gut area.

Tinospora Cordifolia / Giloya

  • May help in treating chronic fever.
  • Tinospora Cordifolia improves metabolism and vitality and helps weight loss.
  • May help in relieving respiratory problems like asthma
  • Tinospora Cordifolia aids joint health and increases flexibility.
  • This herb assists in dementia by making the neuro system healthy.
  • Tinospora Cordifolia boosts the immune system and keeps the body healthy

Silymarin Extract / Milk Thistle

  • Milk thistle improves insulin resistance and assists in Type 2 diabetes cure.
  • The LDL cholesterol level contracts with the milk thistle. It prevents people from heart diseases.
  • Silymarin extract eliminates toxins from the liver and makes it healthy.
  • The antioxidant component stops the free radical generation and prevents skin from aging.

Emblica Offcinalis / Amla

  • Amla is a strong antioxidant.
  • It is a laxative and may act as a digestive tonic.
  • The Emblica Officinalis is a vitamin -C enriched herb with antibacterial properties. It reduces hair fall and dandruff and keeps hair follicles tight & clean.
  • The carotene in amla helps in vision-related health issues.
  • Amla can cure anemia as it contains iron. It aids people with iron deficiencies.
  • Emblica Officinalis detoxifies the human body as they are diuretic in nature.

Picrorhiza Extract / Katuki

  • Application of Picrorhiza Extract on the skin and oral consuming can cure vitiligo.
  • It has healing properties to boost liver functionality.
  • It has the power to eliminate excess fat and cholesterol. Katuki encourages digestive health and boosts metabolism.
  • Picrorhiza Extract is an immunity enhancer, it inhibits histamine that causes allergy and asthma.

Zingiber Officinale / Ginger

  • Gingerol helps in the common cold, infection and flu.
  • Consuming Zingiber Officinale helps with patients with osteoarthritis, degeneration, and helps firm joints and muscles.
  • It has the potential to cut down on dysmenorrhea. For women facing menstrual cramps, consuming herbal teas reduces those cramps.
  • Ginger improves brain functionality and aids mental activity and health.

Momordica charantia / Bitter Melon / Karela

  • The medicinal properties of bitter melon assist people with diabetic conditions as it improves insulin secretion.
  • Bitter melon juice is beneficial for hair and skin. Regular use cures itching, ringworm, psoriasis and dandruff.
  • Momordica charantia detoxifies and reduces the alcohol effect on the liver and takes care of the gut and bladder.
  • The antioxidant present in karela detoxifies the body and boosts metabolism; it also assists in weight loss.

Ocimum sanctum / Basil / Tulsi

  • It is a natural immunity booster.
  • It may have anti-cancer properties.
  • Tulsi acts as a mild diuretic which helps in lowering uric acid levels thus helps in treating kidney stones.
  • It is a very good “Adaptogen” which means it helps the body to adopt stress, anxiety, fatigue and overall well-being.
  • “Adaptogens” brings your body back to steady balance by managing both physical and mental stressors
  • Basil is a classic herb which has the potential to provide oral and eye health.
  • Ocimum sanctum ointment lessens extreme migraine pain.
  • It aids in digestion and stimulates appetite
  • It can cure various respiration disorders like bronchitis, cough cold, excessive mucus.
  • It is a source of vitamin-K that keeps bones and heart healthy.
  • Holy basil contains vitamin C and antioxidants such as Eugenol, which protects the heart from harmful effects of free radicals.
  • It is a natural mouth freshener and oral disinfectant. It can also cure mouth ulcers. Holy Basel destroys the bacteria that are responsible for dental cavities, plague and bad breath.

Pterocarpus marsupium / Malabar Kino Tree

  • Pterocarpus marsupium is an ayurvedic herb that contains antioxidants; its use reduces oxidative stress.
  • It blocks the movement of free radicals and keeps skin healthy.
  • This herb supports bone health; it cures fractures and bruises overtime.
  • Malabar also aids in relieving constipation

Azadirachta indica / Neem

  • Application and consumption of neem treats acne, exfoliates the skin, and nourishes the skin. It contains anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Azadirachta indica tea/ drinks detoxify the body and remove toxins.
  • Neem is a medicinal herb; it heals injuries and wounds faster than normal.
  • The neem cleanses the teeth thoroughly and keeps the gum healthy & strong.

Syzygium cumini / Jamun

  • Consumption of Jamun regulates insulin and modulates blood sugar levels.
  • With antioxidant properties, it keeps the cell healthy and protects from the free radicals.
  • Syzygium reduces bloating and excessive water retention in the body.
  • Jamun is a high source of Vitamin C; it keeps skin glowing for long.

Salacia oblonga / Saptrangi

  • Consumption of Jamun regulates insulin and modulates blood sugar levels.
  • With antioxidant properties, it keeps the cell healthy and protects from the free radicals.
  • Syzygium reduces bloating and excessive water retention in the body.
  • Jamun is a high source of Vitamin C; it keeps skin glowing for long.

Asparagus racemosus / Shatavari

  • Consumption of Shatavari treats gastric ulcers.
  • The root extract prevents oxalate stones from forming and prevents kidney stones.
  • Shatavari helps with anti-aging, wrinkles, and restricting collagen breakdown.
  • This herb has the potential to treat depression.

Chlorophytum borivilianum / White Musli

  • It boosts sperm count
  • Supports male reproductive health
  • It prevents premature ejaculation
  • Chlorophytum borivilianum is a well-known herb that improves vitality.
  • It can be used in nursing mothers to improve lactation
  • It has medicinal and antioxidant properties which boost immunity. It stops free radical formation.
  • It may have anti-cancer properties; it helps in cell apoptosis (cell death) and reduces tumor size and weight
  • It exhibits anti-inflammation properties that relieve pain & injuries, also curing arthritis.
  • It may improve sexual performance by raising lipids increasing testosterone levels.
  • White Musli elevates antacids to get rid of indigestion.

Mucuna pruriens / Velvet Bean / Kaunch Beej

  • Consuming kaunch beej helps in stress reduction, making the person calm and improves the nervous system.
  • Mucuna pruriens is an aphrodisiac that strengthens healthy sexual energy and libido.
  • It is a unique herb used for digestion and the elimination of waste.
  • It is a source of levodopa, an essential predecessor of the neurotransmitter dopamine.

Withania somnifera / Ashwaganda

  • Ashwagandha improves the oxygen level in the body. It helps in athletic performance.
  • Ashwagandha boosts DHEA-S, a sex hormone which increases fertility in men.
  • It reduces blood sugar levels, insulin, lipids and oxidative stress markers.
  • Withania somnifera is good for memory, brain functioning, and performance on cognitive tasks.
  • It is one of the most powerful “adaptogen” which means, it helps the body to adapt to stress, anxiety, fatigue and overall, well-being.
  • “Adaptogen” brings your body back to steady balance by managing both physical and mental stressors.

Panax ginseng / Ginseng

  • Ginseng helps in skin rejuvenation. It prevents skin from free radical attack and protects the collagen in the skin.
  • Ginseng allays the mental fatigue. Consuming it improves concentration levels and thinking cells.
  • Ginseng herb assists in erectile dysfunction treatment.
  • The ginsenoside components prevent abnormal cell growth. Eventually preventing cancer.

Cissus Quadrandularis / Hadjod

  • It may be used in infertility.
  • Hadjod suppresses the appetite and stimulates the metabolism. It becomes assistance in losing weight.
  • Hadjod has anti inflammatory properties and can reduce swelling, pain associated with fractures, arthritis
  • Hadjod impacts the metabolism and the bad cholesterol thereby improving heart health.
  • It contains Vitamin C that speeds up the healing of wounds and injuries.
  • The phytosteroids and sitosteroid and sitosterol glycoside, terpenoids and phenolic substances such as resveratrol, quercetin, quercitrin and kaempferol found in Hadjod are thought to have analgesic properties.
  • The ascorbic acid in hadjod improves the production of white blood cells that fight against infection.
  • The phytosteroids and sitosteroid and sitosterol glycoside, terpenoids and phenolic substances such as resveratrol, quercetin, quercitrin and kaempferol found in Hadjod are thought to have analgesic properties.

Glycyrrhiza glabra / Liqourice

  • Liqourice gives relief from gastric & intestinal irritation and ulcers.
  • Liqourice can help in treating liver damage due to hepatitis C is a long-term disease
  • Liqourice root tea cures irritated and sour throat.
  • The root contains compounds that can treat skin inflammation and infections.

Trachyspermum ammi / Ajwain

  • Ajwain is an Ayurvedic spice that heals peptic ulcers.
  • Since old age, this spice has been giving relief from indigestion, bloating and gas problems
  • Ajwain paste works on joint and muscle pain; it treats arthritis.
  • The crushed ajwain in boiled water is beneficial for women to regulate their periods.

Syzygium aromaticum / Clove

  • Clove has antimicrobial properties which can kill bacteria.
  • It reduces inflammation and decreases oxidative stress. Clove in diet makes the fatty liver healthy.
  • Cloves improve the secretion of insulin and the function of blood cells.
  • It is a manganese-rich spice that promotes bone health.

Piper nigrum / Black Pepper

  • Black paper makes the digestion process smooth.
  • Mindful consumption of black paper makes the intestinal movements comfortable and halts constipation.
  • It treats skin pigmentation like vitiligo.
  • Phytonutrients from black pepper reduce excessive fat and assist in weight loss.

Coriandrum sativum / Coriander

  • Coriander leaves prevent cellular damage by restricting free radical formation.
  • The extract is a diuretic and flushes out the excess sodium water, maintaining the blood pressure.
  • Coriander juice promotes digestion and improves gut health.
  • Coriander is a culinary herb, and its antioxidant properties make food healthy.

Convolvulus Pluricaulis / Shankpushpi

  • Convolvulus pluricaulis improves intellect and matures thought-process.
  • It can be used as anti-depressant and anti-anxiety properties.
  • It helps in bringing calmness, alertness and prevent memory loss
  • Helps in eating disorder like anorexia nervosa
  • It improves cognitive functioning
  • Helps in neural diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia
  • Shankpushpi’s juice and extract gives relief to epileptic patients.
  • Shankpushpi with ajwain in warm water helps with migraines.
  • It has the potential to cure diabetes naturally.

Morinaa oleifera / Moringa

  • Moringa is one of the most nutritious and a rich source of vitamin B6.
  • It protects against arsenic toxicity
  • Quercetin in moringa lowers blood pressure and keeps the heart-healthy.
  • Moringa appears to protect the liver against damage caused by anti-tubercular drugs.
  • It is a very nutritious and good source of Vitamin B6, iron, Vitamin B2, Vitamin A and magnesium
  • Moringa is an excellent anti-oxidant and helps protect cells from damage.
  • It might also help in decreasing inflammation and reduce pain.
  • This plant is very helpful in reducing cholesterol in the body.
  • Traditionally in ayurveda, moringa is used in nursing mothers to improve lactation.
  • The chlorogenic acid helps in moderating the blood sugar level.
  • Moringa is rich source of magnesium and calcium which keeps bones healthy and inflammatory properties, moringa extract might help to treat arthritis.

Myristica fragrans / Nutmeg

  • Nutmeg prevents cellular damage as it neutralizes the free radical.
  • Nutmeg is known to treat sexual disorders and boosting libido
  • It kills harmful bacteria like E. coli and O157.
  • Constant and overtime consumption reduces blood sugar levels.

Piper longum / Long Pepper / Pipli

  • It is known to reduce body fat and throw away stagnant fatty toxins.
  • Piper longum helps fight bacteria, parasites and infections.
  • Pipli help women who have menstrual problems.
  • Long pepper is proven to be effective over genetic diseases.

Bacopa monnieri / Waterhyssop / Brahmi

  • It contains powerful antioxidants that restrict free radical damage.
  • Brahmi puts an eventual stop to chronic conditions like cancers and diabetes.
  • This herb inhibits enzymes that cause inflammation and pain.
  • Bacopa monnieri overtime enhances brain function.

Convolvulus Duricaulls / Morning Glory Flower

  • Morning glory flower relieves cough and helps get rid of mucus.
  • This herb boosts the recovery process of arthritis.
  • Convolvulus Duricaulls treats stomach problems and bloating.
  • The crushed application of flowers heals insect bites.

Viola odorata / Sweet Violet / Banfaksh

  • Sweet violet is an age old medicinal herb and is also used in the culinary.
  • It deadens muscle pain, body ache, and inflammation.
  • The salicylic acid in sweet violet is in alleviates pain and body aches.
  • Viola odorata gives calmness to sore throat, cough, and cold.

Triticum aestivum / WheatGrass

  • It has anti-cancer properties
  • It can lower cholesterol levels
  • Wheatgrass is a superhero plant which eliminates toxins from the body and keeps it healthy.
  • It can boost metabolism and aid in weight loss.
  • The nutrients in wheat grass and your body in getting rid of impurities and stored toxins
  • It has a detox effect which keeps the intestine clean.
  • Wheatgrass supports the metabolism and digestion process.
  • Wheat grass has huge level of enzymes that aid in digestion by helping your body to break down food and absorb nutrients
  • It is famous for having the potential to boost the immune system.
  • It is used in common complications of chemotherapy like impaised bone marrow function.

Crocus sativus / Saffron

  • The antioxidant in saffron protect brain cells, aids weight loss and reduce appetite.
  • It reduces pre-menstrual syndrome symptoms.
  • It acts as an aphrodisiac as it improves libido.
  • Saffron improves memory in adults suffering with Alzheimer’s.

Ginkgo biloba

  • Its antioxidants protect healthy tissues and decelerate the aging process.
  • It reduces inflammation in arthritis, Irritable bowel disease, heart disease, and stroke.
  • Biloba herb improves blood circulation and strengthens the circulatory system.
  • Ginkgo biloba resolves stress, anxiety, and conditions like dementia.

Lutein / Carotenoid (c)

  • Lutein in its natural form lowers the plaque build-up in arteries.
  • Lutein protects the eyes from free radical formation and damage.
  • It assists in cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, uveitis, and AMD.
  • The antioxidants in lutein protect skin from UV rays.

Celastrus Paniculatus / Malkangni / Jyotishmati

  • Jyotishmati helps in digestion and increases the appetite.
  • It delays the premature hair greying.
  • Celastrus paniculatus seeds with ghee improve sexual performance.
  • Malkangni oil treats leprosy and skin diseases.

Trigonella-foenum-graecum / Fenugreek / Methi Seeds

  • Fenugreek intensifies the production of breast milk.
  • Methi seeds control blood sugar levels resulting in healthy insulin secretion.
  • It modulates carbohydrate metabolism, helping in regulating food intake and digestion.
  • Trigonella-foenum-graecum assists in fighting leukemia.

Crataeva nurvala / Varuna

  • The diuretic factor of Varuna is helpful in the treatment of Urolithiasis.
  • It reduces the symptoms of UTIs, like a burning sensation during urination.
  • Varuna improves appetite and digestion.
  • This Ayurvedic herb holds the potential to prevent kidney stones.

Commiphora wightii / Guggul

  • Guggul is effective in the treatment of nodulocystic acne.
  • It is a weight-reducing agent, helping in maintaining body structure
  • It assists in fighting against Eczema, psoriasis and skin irritation.
  • Guggul extracts improve hypothyroidism.

Fassifiora Toetida / Stinking Passionflower / Love in a mist

  • It contains high calcium that keeps bones strong and healthy.
  • Love in a mist helps in producing red blood cells and prevents anemia.
  • Passiflora Toetida regulates and controls blood pressure.
  • The vitamin content in passion flowers is good for gums and teeth.

Berberis vulgaris / Barberry

  • Barberry reduces blood sugar levels in diabetes patients.
  • It lowers the percentage of LDL (bad cholesterol) in the body.
  • Berberis vulgaris improves fertility and helps out women with PCOS.
  • It prevents probable metabolic syndrome and reduces the risk of heart diseases.

Vaccinium oxycoccos / Cranberry

  • Cranberry juice prevents urinary tract infections in women.
  • The phytochemicals present in this (beta carotene and flavonoids) are therapeutic.
  • The juice helps in the management of cholesterol in obese people.
  • It increases the (HDL) good cholesterol level in the body.

Matricaria chamomilla / Chamomile Flower

  • Chamomile flowers are worldwide famous for reducing stress.
  • Chamomile herb treats insomnia very effectively by making the head calm.
  • It improves the digestive system by guiding metabolism.
  • Chamomile tea improves anxious behavior.

Nardostachys jatamansi / Jatamansi

  • The root powder lowers the mental stress and body exhaustion.
  • It’s a proven herb that treats insomnia and sleeplessness.
  • Jatamansi protects the body against oxidative cell damage.
  • Jatamansi extract prevents hair fall and improves hair growth.

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